WHEELING, WV, June 30, 2010 – Wheeling Truck Center received the U.S. Department of Commerce Export Achievement Certificate (EAC) during the an Export Event held at Wheeling Jesuit University’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center in Wheeling today. Jenny Coyne, Area Representative for U.S. Rep. Alan B. Mollohan D-W.Va. presented the award to Wheeling Truck owners Ron and Chad Remp on the Congressman’s behalf. (From left are Ron Remp, Diego Gattesco, Chad Remp and Jenny Coyne.) The Export Achievement Certificate program recognizes small and medium-sized U.S. businesses that exhibit a strong commitment to exporting and have realized the benefits through sales and growth. Wheeling Truck Center has made that commitment and has been exporting to 17 different countries since February 2010.
Congressman Mollohan said in his letter, “I congratulate Ron and Chad Remp and the entire team at Wheeling Truck Center for the excellence they have displayed in earning this award.
No company stays in business for seventy-some years without one quality – the ability to adapt to change. There was a time when we could leave the business of exporting to the likes of the coal industry, the chemical industry, the steel industry. Today if you are a medium or even a small-sized company, then you must take a serious look at overseas opportunities.” Mollohan concluded, “It is so important for our government to encourage excellence in that undertaking. I appreciate the excellent work of the Department of Commerce and the Export Assistance Center here in Wheeling.”

A ceremony was held during an export related event hosted by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at the National Technology Transfer Center of Wheeling Jesuit University.
Chad Remp from Wheeling Truck Center, received the EAC Award.
“Wheeling Truck Center appreciates the assistance provided by the US Commercial Service and Diego Gattesco in starting our export business. Since February we have completed sales into over 17 different countries. International sales of trucks and truck parts has become a major part of our business in a short period of time. The US Commercial Service has helped us with the logistics of completing international transactions, they also have helped us gain credibility in foreign markets,” Remp said.
“The Wheeling community should be proud of Wheeling Truck Center, their commitment and hard work exploring new markets are paying off … ” concluded Diego Gattesco, senior international trade specialist with the U.S. Export Assistance Center in Wheeling.
Wheeling Truck Center is a four generation family owned at operated Volvo and UD Truck dealership in Wheeling WV since 1933. For more information please visit www.Wheeling Truck.com or www.Class8TruckParts.com